Thursday, November 02, 2006


Is it just me or are there many more who feel just as helpless and frustrated to see how our government deals with the threat of Islam domestically? I don't claim to be an expert on Islam but much of what I learned in school as a kid and later after 9/11 have read up on, just doesn't put a favorable light on things. More so the way this administration dealt with Israel in recent years is outright criminal. We pretend to be friends of Israel but are we really? But lets' go back to the domestic scene. How often do you go to a Wal-Mart and see a woman wearing a burca? It sends chills down my back thinking that one day America could be just like that. And we are so dangerosly ignorant, which I don't really believe is based on ignorance, that our schools allow to have Islam and even Jihad teached favorably but mention the name of Jesus Christ and you get ridiculed and ousted. If anyone thinks this could be a site like Sultan Knish, I'm sorry it's not. I wish I would be able to mention resources just like he does. However, a lot of what he and others mention confirm what I believed about Islam and Israel and the Middle East for a long time. As a Christian and someone who loves America it saddens my heart the direction we are taking and one thing is for sure, it doesn't make a big difference anymore whether you vote Republican or Democrat. It seems to be all the same if you read between the lines.


At November 06, 2006 4:52 PM, Blogger Daniel Greenfield said...

evil triumphs where there's silence, congratulations on creating your blog, it looks very nice and may you add to the speech that defies the silence in the face of evil

At December 08, 2006 9:37 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Thanks Sultan. That's a compliment comming from you.


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