Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Liberals and their show hosts.

I just watched a video on PJTV. It talked about a blogger that was displayed on a Salon magazine, telling her audience how easy it is to divorce a soldier - painlessly - while on deployment. The other showed the NBC show host Bill M.....? saying that someone supports a soldier the way they love their dog. It just leaves you a taste of disgust and outrage in your mouth. Before I came to America, there was something that I saw in this country, which I did not see in others, a commitment for something greater, higher. But even as I came over in 91, I told friends that the way America used to be just five or ten years ago has changed. Tod;ay it is clear. It is a drifting away from right and wrong, from moral absolutes, from GOD. And I'm not talking just about any god, but the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God whose son is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

America has aborted more than 40 million babies since Roe v. Wade. What makes us any better than Soddom and Gomorrah? What makes us more righteous than a member of a cannibal tribe where self trumps everything? I pray that this country may come back to it's moral rootings minus the genocide done to American Indians and slavery. Without all that, America would have been the far greatest country ever in existence. But even with it, it displayed something that was far more alluring than what all the other nations had to offer. It's called freedom and even the freedom to correct ones own wrongs.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Laredo Border

I'm sorry if I disappointed others for treating this blog like it doesn't exist. I admit. I am a homeschool dad and there is little time to do other things. But I want to contribute more in the future and relate my thoughts and ideas concerning current issues. Laredo just being one of the latest.

I don't know who has or has not heard the news this morning. But to say the least it is one of the most disturbing issues in lieu with everything else in our WAR ON TERROR (tickle me pink). There we allow Mexican criminals to cross the border and kidnap Americans, burn down the Newspaper of the town, kill reporters and then on top of everything else pass on some southern bells as a present to Drug Lords. The local sheriff begs for assistance in law enforcement and what does he get - none. Nobody even shows the slightest interest.

It shouldn't be surprising in a world where Jihadists are considered noble and freedom fighters while shows exersizing critisism of them are called racists and bigots. But then society as a whole seems to embrace the vile and scorns the righteous. If you are a bible believing Christian and you don't just say it but you actually read it, we all know that this is exactly what will happen towards the end of days. And I am dead certain that all those sitting in power and pulling the strings know that. Why else is the tendancy in our media whether it's the movies or the news, going more and more into the direction of singeling out Christians as a danger to society. For nothing else but the fact that true Christians know the dangers awaiting us. And anyone with knowledge about those things is a danger to society.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Is it just me or are there many more who feel just as helpless and frustrated to see how our government deals with the threat of Islam domestically? I don't claim to be an expert on Islam but much of what I learned in school as a kid and later after 9/11 have read up on, just doesn't put a favorable light on things. More so the way this administration dealt with Israel in recent years is outright criminal. We pretend to be friends of Israel but are we really? But lets' go back to the domestic scene. How often do you go to a Wal-Mart and see a woman wearing a burca? It sends chills down my back thinking that one day America could be just like that. And we are so dangerosly ignorant, which I don't really believe is based on ignorance, that our schools allow to have Islam and even Jihad teached favorably but mention the name of Jesus Christ and you get ridiculed and ousted. If anyone thinks this could be a site like Sultan Knish, I'm sorry it's not. I wish I would be able to mention resources just like he does. However, a lot of what he and others mention confirm what I believed about Islam and Israel and the Middle East for a long time. As a Christian and someone who loves America it saddens my heart the direction we are taking and one thing is for sure, it doesn't make a big difference anymore whether you vote Republican or Democrat. It seems to be all the same if you read between the lines.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Moroccan suspect with links to Al Qaida released in Germany

I just red on my former hometown newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine that Germany released a Moroccan suspect who had close contacts with some of the people involved in 9/11 because for the time being they lacked enough evidence to keep him incarcarated. What is your take on it? I'm getting sick and tired of the PC. Not that I don't love my fellow man even if he is other than Christian but we keep denying ourselves to acknowledge what Islam really stands for. How many are out there that take the effort to read about Islam? Otherwise how else can it be that we are so blockheaded?

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


I like to post this block to start a discussion and have it as an outreach to non Christians as Christians alike. So whatever you want to throw at me feel free. I hope to talk to many and maybe we can as Christians both help each other to learn more.
But here's the key. If you die today, do you know where you will be? For now I just leave it with that. I welcome future comments on that issue.